Junior Kindergarten is for four year olds and five year olds who do not make the September cutoff for public or private school Kindergarten and who have completed a preschool program.

Junior Kindergarten Activities

Our Jr. Kindergarten students explore the various aspects of literacy development to include stories, letters, sounds and words. Literacy skills are presented in large and small group settings and integrated into science and social studies lessons. An array of math manipulatives makes number concepts and simple operations a hands-on experience. Hand writing skills are built through directed lessons using creative tactile materials. Social skills are developed through center play time, as well as snack and playground time. Technology instruction begins in January as our computer teacher introduces the students to basic computer operation and use.

Junior Kindergarten activity - children at their desks doing educational workbooks

Junior Kindergarten Curriculum Materials

  • DLM Early Childhood Express
  • Handwriting Without Tears
  • Technology
  • Reading and Math Readiness Software
  • Math Their Way
  • Vocabulary Development
  • Word Time
  • Scholastic Technology Keys
  • We follow the Virginia SOL math standards and focus on a goal a month.
Junior Kindergarten at The Merit School - child placing wooden letters into alphabet board

Locations Offering
Junior Kindergarten:

This program is already active at the locations listed below, but...

There is a good chance that we're building this program at additional locations too!


We encourage you to contact us let and us know you're interested. We would love to help you find the best location and program for your needs!


Which Location Would You Like To Contact?

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