Preschool Explorers is for two and three year old children.
Preschool: Early Education for Two and Three Year Olds
When it comes to Virginia preschools, look no further than The Merit School’s Preschool Explorers program. Whether it’s filling containers at the water table, stacking blocks in our blocks center, climbing, sliding, or putting together puzzles, early preschoolers are always learning in our large, bright creative classrooms.
Our Preschool Explorers program features:
- Safe and nurturing care
- Individualized lesson plans
- Daily teacher-family communication
- Creative learning environments
- Age-appropriate activities and materials that encourage exploration and a love of learning

Benefits of Our Preschool Explorers Program:
Developmentally Appropriate Learning
As they mature, two year olds are just beginning to express themselves through oral language, social relationships, creative arts, mathematical relationships, and physical skills. In addition to developing a sense of self, these children are taught self-help skills such as potty training and feeding themselves. The Merit School’s trained teachers develop a daily schedule and a weekly lesson plan utilizing the Innovation Series, published by Gryphon House, as our primary source of curriculum.

Parent Communication
Communication is very important to our staff; each evening teachers are available to share Explorers’ daily reports with families. This enhances the opportunity to create a special connection with each child and their family. Parent conferences are scheduled in the fall and spring. However, parents are encouraged to visit the Preschoolers’ classroom and observe their child learning and having fun. Older children in this category will move to the next level of care after appropriate assessments determine readiness and upon the recommendation of the classroom teacher.
Supportive Environments
Appealing furnishings are thoughtfully arranged throughout each classroom creating a home-like environment. Specialized equipment and materials are situated at the child’s level to offer two year olds the opportunity to choose activities that match their interests and abilities. Family photos are posted in the classroom and children’s work is celebrated and on display. Specially designed outdoor play spaces for Preschoolers provide areas to explore and connect with nature.