Private School Education

The Merit School’s Private School program offers an exceptional educational experience designed to cultivate intellectual growth and personal development in students from kindergarten through 8th grade. Our program is structured to provide a nurturing environment where young learners can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. By integrating advanced concepts and a rigorous curriculum, The Merit School ensures that each child reaches their full potential and is well-prepared for future academic challenges. While our Private School program is currently only available for specific levels at specific locations, we are growing! We encourage you to reach out, as we may be building a program in your area now!

Private School Kindergarten at The Merit School


Our kindergarten program lays a strong foundation for lifelong learning. It combines a stimulating academic curriculum with activities that promote creativity and critical thinking. At this early stage, students engage in hands-on learning experiences that make education both enjoyable and impactful. The Merit School focuses on developing key literacy and numeracy skills, while also emphasizing social and emotional development. This holistic approach ensures that children not only gain the academic skills necessary for future success but also develop a love for learning.

Merit School Private Elementary Education first 1st grade through 5th fifth grade - image of 2024 5th grade class graduates holding Honor Roll certificates.

Elementary (1st – 5th)

The elementary education program for 1st through 5th grades at Merit Schools emphasizes a safe, nurturing, and academically enriching environment. The curriculum incorporates hands-on activities, cooperative learning, and technology integration to support comprehensive child development. The program includes specialty classes in art, music, and physical education, along with enrichment opportunities and a focus on social skills. This approach ensures that students receive a well-rounded education, preparing them for future academic success.

Private Middle School - students doing classwork

Middle School (6th – 8th)

The middle school curriculum for 6th through 8th grades introduces advanced concepts designed to challenge and inspire. Our approach to education goes beyond the standard curriculum, offering enrichment opportunities that cater to the individual strengths and interests of each student. For instance, in our advanced math programs, students tackle complex problems that develop their analytical and problem-solving skills. Similarly, our language arts curriculum includes advanced reading and writing exercises that enhance critical thinking and communication abilities.

Personalized Learning Environment

One of the standout features of The Merit School is our commitment to personalized learning. Small class sizes allow our dedicated teachers to provide individualized attention, ensuring that each student’s unique learning needs are met. This personalized approach helps to foster a supportive and inclusive classroom environment where all students can succeed. Teachers at The Merit School are not just educators but also mentors who guide students through their academic journeys, helping them build confidence and self-esteem.

Benefits of Private School Education

Choosing a private school education, such as that offered by The Merit School, provides numerous advantages. Private schools often have more resources to dedicate to each student, resulting in a richer educational experience. The smaller class sizes typically found in private schools mean that students receive more one-on-one interaction with their teachers, leading to more tailored and effective instruction.

Moreover, private schools often emphasize a well-rounded education, incorporating extracurricular activities that contribute to the development of a child’s social skills and physical well-being. At The Merit School, we offer a variety of extracurricular programs, including arts, music, and sports, which help students discover and nurture their talents and interests outside of the traditional classroom setting.

A Pathway to Future Success

The Merit School’s Private School program prepares students not just for the next grade level, but for a lifetime of learning and achievement. Our graduates leave with a strong academic foundation, critical thinking skills, and a passion for discovery. The nurturing and challenging environment of The Merit School equips students with the resilience and adaptability needed to navigate future academic and personal challenges successfully.

In summary, The Merit School provides a comprehensive and enriching private school experience that promotes academic excellence and personal growth. Through advanced teaching methods, personalized attention, and a commitment to holistic development, we ensure that each student is well-prepared to excel in their future educational endeavors.


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